Mark tries Mallakhamb
Elizabeth Bartlett Elizabeth Bartlett

Mark tries Mallakhamb

Our roving reporter Mark Probert enjoys a Mallakhamb workshop and new yoga film ‘The Wrestler’s Cane’

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Yamas in Asana
Elizabeth Bartlett Elizabeth Bartlett

Yamas in Asana

How do the Yamas (the five ethical disciplines known as ‘The Great Vow’ relate to our āsana practice?

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Home practice
Elizabeth Bartlett Elizabeth Bartlett

Home practice

Practice sheets to guide your home practice during the summer break

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Long Live the King (of Poses)!
Elizabeth Bartlett Elizabeth Bartlett

Long Live the King (of Poses)!

With the new King being crowned this weekend, it’s a good time to look at the King of Poses - ‘Śīrsāsana’.

BKS Iyengar says in Light on Yoga, “The ancient books have called Śīrsāsana the king of all āsanas and the reason is not hard to find…..

…… Regular and precise practice of Śīrsāsana develops the body, disciplines the mind and widens the horizons of the spirit. One becomes balanced and self reliant in pain and pleasure, loss and gain, shame and fame and defeat and victory.”

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Iyengar Yoga UK Magazine
Elizabeth Bartlett Elizabeth Bartlett

Iyengar Yoga UK Magazine

Very proud to see some of my amazing students featured in the Iyengar Yoga UK Magazine!

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