Yoga Kurunta - ‘Puppet Yoga’

“….the puppeteer and the puppet are one, performing their own puppet show…… By the practice of Yoga Kurunta one gains agility, lightness of the body, speed in movements, and alertness in the brain.” ~Dr. Geeta S. Iyengar Yoga: A Gem for Women.

Pictures of yogis hanging in ropes from trees can be seen as far back as the 17th century.  When the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute was built almost 50 years ago, BKS Iyengar had wall ropes installed and called the practice ‘Yoga Kurunta’ which translates as ‘puppet yoga’.

It was a real treat to introduce yoga kurunta to this inquisitive group this morning, giving them their first taste of this invigorating practice.  I was blown away with their courageous attitude, with every single one trying out rope Sirsasana (hanging upside down in the ropes!) without any hesitation whatsoever, but also patiently waiting their turn whilst encouraging their classmates.  We also practiced the poses out of the ropes to feel the ‘before and after’ effect - the ropes create space and expansion in the body and yet another way to keep our practice fresh, interesting and evolving.

The ropes opened up their bodies, hearts and minds! Well done to all of them, a really wonderful morning.


Home practice


International Day of Yoga